Please don't let this happen, only you can prevent this - the property shown here is Expedier House which is not a listed building but just yards from Undershaw. It was once the home of the British Car Auctions and is now being re-developed for affordable housing. The Undershaw Preservation Trust will help to save Undershaw - please help us to make this possible.
We do have some funds in the Trust which John Gibson has contributed, unfortunately not enough to realise our dream - our dream is to enable enthusiasts worldwide to be able to meet up at this landmark of outstanding beauty, cloaked in so much history, share cream teas on the terrace, chat about days gone by and walk where Sir Arthur himself once walked whilst marvelling the beauty of its surroundings. You have got to see the landscape for yourselves to believe the pure beauty of the area. This is a very sacred place to us all, please do not allow this house to be split up and transformed into apartments - do something now!
To make a pledge check out the information contained in the section 'The Undershaw Preservation Trust'. If you want to know more details of what you can do to help save Undershaw than e-mail me at
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