Thursday 9 December 2010

Public Announcement

The UPT are keeping close to their hearts an overwhelming announcement which will hopefully be made in the next day or two after further discussions. The UPT are a small team of individuals campaigning to save a very important part of history, a landmark in Hindead, Surrey for the last 113 years. Best known to the locals and worldwide as Undershaw, the former residence of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

We have campaigned for almost 3 years, prior to that many have tried and given up. The Trust was set up in August 2009 by John Gibson, author of 5 books on Doyle and between us we have managed to promote the cause in many different ways making all the national papers, the front page of the Los Angeles Times, ITV and BBC London, ITV Meridian and BBC South Today and now our greatest goal is for a TV documentary on Doyles time at Undershaw and our efforts to save it.

The Trust at long last maybe blessed with a sponsor/Patron to head the campaign and promote the cause, and whats more it could be a joint sponsorship. An announcement will be made pending a statement from this influential gentleman who has great connections with Doyle and Sherlock Holmes. The twist is, could they be the Trust's very own Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson?


  1. Have just seen today's Public Announcement of "an overwhelming announcement which will hopefully be made in the next day or two after further discussions . . . The Trust at long last may be blessed with a sponsor/Patron to head the campaign and promote the cause . . . ".

    Don't mean to deflate your hopes but -- unless this 'sponsor/patron' is the Prime Minister with news of a UK expropriation of Undershaw -- it will all be, in the words of another well-known English writer 'much ado about nothing'. Sorry.

    Your best, and probably only, bet remains the judicial review, about which we know nothing because you still haven't posted the documents. Tell your solicitor these are public documents and there should be nothing to prevent their being posted.

  2. Would like to know who anonymous is? Cannot be a supporter of the cause. Documents will be posted as soon as the solictor is ready to do so.

    Thank you for commenting.

  3. You have to love "Don't mean to deflate your hopes". When this is clearly the exact intention of the comment.
